
Biivren, a planet found within the Expansion Region's Biivren sector, was a world of industry. Under the control of the Galactic Empire, this world contained a vast area filled with manufacturing plants and processing facilities that slowly polluted the water resources of the planet.

The Blood Razors, a swoop gang, were active on Biivren, providing protection to the inhabitants of the industrial sector. Following the Battle of Endor, Imperial forces withdrew from Biivren, leaving the planet to grapple with a shortage of potable water. Subsequently, a group of independent merchants transported large quantities of drinkable water to the planet, intending to sell it to the highest bidder.


Biivren was a terrestrial planet situated within the Biivren system, which was a component of the Biivren sector within the Slice area of the Expansion Region.


The Galactic Empire governed Biivren, utilizing it as a minor industrial center. When large corporations assumed control of Biivren, the Blood Razors swoop gang emerged to support the marginalized residents of the planet's industrial area. Biivren received mention in the Smuggler's Handbook, a publication penned by the smuggler Platt Okeefe.

Within a half a year after the Battle of Endor, a conflict in 4 ABY between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance that resulted in the passing of Emperor Palpatine and the Empire's fragmentation, the Imperial forces stationed on Biivren retreated. As they left, they intentionally sabotaged several of Biivren's factories and chemical plants, completing the contamination of the planet's water supply.

Around this period, a group of independent traders became aware of the situation on Biivren. These merchants devised a scheme to transport drinkable water to Biivren and sell it to the highest bidder. After finding a source of substantial amounts of potable water, the group navigated past pirates in the Biivren system and secured sales contacts in Biivren starport. During this venture, the free-traders encountered corrupt government officials, rival merchants, and crime bosses seeking control of the water trade.


Although Imperial forces frequently patrolled Biivren's industrial sector, a whole society of vagrants, minor criminals, and refugees flourished there. The swoop gang known as the Blood Razors operated in Biivren's factory area, primarily dealing in illegal goods to the underground and redistributing looted materials from Imperial forces. The gang concealed their activities with swoop chases to avoid detection by Imperial forces on the planet.

The Blood Razors often ventured beyond their territory to raid Imperial and corporate facilities, attack corporate caravans, and harass officials at the planet's spaceport. Additionally, while Imperial and local corporate authorities officially governed Biivren's industrial sector, the Blood Razors provided the true order and justice in the area, protecting the local inhabitants and harassing most intruders.


Beyond the extensive Biivren starport and the planet's commercial and residential zones, automated factories, chemical plants, and refineries stretched for miles. Biivren's industrial sector was a maze of greasy alleys, and the planet also housed Imperial supply depots. All of Biivren's industrial facilities were gradually polluting the planet's water supply.

Behind the scenes

Biivren was first mentioned in "Recon & Report: The Journey to Coruscant," an article by Peter Schweighofer published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 2 in May of 1994. "Recon & Report" offers an adventure seed for use with the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game from West End Games, and the article assumes the scenario unfolds as described. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, located the Biivren system, and therefore the planet Biivren, in grid square P-9.


Notes and references
