The Biivren sector, a space sector, was situated within the Slice region of the Expansion Region. In the year 0 ABY, the Biivren sector shared a border with the Dona Laza sector on its spinward side. Additionally, it formed a quadripoint border with the Annecy sector, the Couronne sectors, and the Ghost Nebula towards the Rimward direction. Together with the Dona Laza sector and the Ghost Nebula, it defined the Coreward boundary of the Expansion Region, adjacent to the Inner Rim.
Contained within the Biivren sector were the Biivren system, which was home to the terrestrial planet of Biivren, and the Werania system, the point of origin for the artifacts referred to as Weranian holocards.
After the Galactic Empire fractured following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Imperial forces withdrew from Biivren. This retreat left the industrial world grappling with a drinking water shortage caused by contamination. Subsequently, a group of free-traders imported large quantities of drinkable water with the intention of selling it to the highest offer.
The Online Companion for The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference book authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, first mentioned the Biivren sector. The sector was visually represented on a map created by Modi in 2012, which was featured in the Online Companion article "Essential Atlas Extra: Expansion Region."
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