Annecy sector

The Annecy sector existed within the Expansion Region's Slice area. In the year 0 ABY, it shared borders with the Dona Laza sector on its spinward side, as well as the Mid Rim's Lantillian and Terr'skiar sectors towards the Rimward direction. At its trailing edge, the sector also connected with the Biivren sector, the Couronne sector, and the Ghost Nebula, forming a four-way boundary. The New Raithal system was situated inside the Annecy sector, taking its designation from the Colonies world called Raithal.

Behind the scenes

The Online Companion for The Essential Atlas reference book (2009) introduced the Annecy sector. Modi's map, which featured the sector, was released in the 2012 article "Essential Atlas Extra: Expansion Region."


  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link) (First mentioned)

Notes and references
