The Couronne sector was situated within the Slice area of the Expansion Region. Around the time of 0 ABY, it shared borders with four other regions: the Biivren sector, the Annecy sector, and the Ghost Nebula met at its northwestern point, while the Oeiros and Axion sectors were along its southern boundary. The eastern side of Couronne formed a section of the Expansion Region's edge with the Mid Rim.
The Great Kashyyyk Branch hyperlane went through the northern parts of the Couronne sector, connecting it to the Umbara system found in the Ghost Nebula, as well as the Quas Killam system. Quas Killam was located on the Mid Rim's edge, within the adjacent Terr'skiar sector. Within the Couronne system was the planet Couronne, which served as the homeworld for the humanoid Imzig species.
The Couronne sector was initially conceived for the Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion, which supplemented the book The Essential Atlas on Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry were co-authors of the book. The sector made its debut on October 25, 2012, as a component of the "Essential Atlas Extra: Expansion Region" feature, which provided maps of the Expansion Region's sectors, featuring illustrations by Modi.
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