Birra Seah

A female Human who possessed Force-sensitivity, Birra Seah was employed as a systems designer at Kuat Drive Yards around the time of 0 ABY. As part of her duties, she was assigned to the construction crew working on the Galactic Empire's latest superweapon, the second Death Star. She quickly gained favor with Darth Vader, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial forces, who then promoted her to the position of acting Moff.


Around 0 ABY, Birra Seah, a Human female of advanced age, held the position of systems designer at the Kuat Drive Yards shipbuilding company. This corporation was a major provider of warships to the Galactic Empire, the dominant authoritarian power in much of the known galaxy during that time. Seah also had the ability to sense the Force, a mystical energy that flowed through all living things and connected the galaxy.

Early in 0 ABY, the Rebel Alliance, a coalition of freedom fighters opposing the government's tyranny, destroyed the Empire's devastating weapon, the first Death Star. Following this event, Galactic Emperor Palpatine ordered the construction of a second Death Star near the Sanctuary Moon in the Endor system. As an employee of Kuat Drive Yards, Birra Seah served as a point of contact between the Empire's high command and the personnel working at the Death Star's construction site.

Rise and a fall

Seah kneels before Vader

Supreme Commander Darth Vader, the Emperor's armored right-hand, visited the Death Star construction site. He called a meeting with the project's supervisors, including Seah. Vader informed the woman and the assembled officers that the Emperor was eager to see his superweapon completed. Lord Vader conveyed his master's displeasure with the slow progress. When an admiral questioned the feasibility of the cyborg's expectations, the Emperor's envoy stabbed him in the back with his crimson lightsaber. Seah stepped in, affirming the late officer's claims. When Vader asked her identity and how she dared to support the dead man's words, Seah introduced herself. She diplomatically explained that the Emperor, due to his absence, could not fully grasp the various details hindering the working crews' progress. Impressed by her audacity, Vader noted Seah's strong connection to the Force, acknowledging her Force-sensitivity. Seah, however, dismissed the remark. Subsequently, the Dark Lord ended the meeting, requesting a private conversation with her.

When alone, Seah advised Vader against turning on the officers and construction workers, suggesting he reserve his hatred for his true enemies. She also requested that the Supreme Commander grant her temporary Moffship to better supervise the project and ensure the Death Star's timely completion. Her request was quickly granted. However, Vader cautioned her to please Palpatine, warning that disappointing the Emperor would doom her to a fate from which neither the Dark Lord nor the Force itself could protect her.

Seah's tenure as a Moff proved brief. When the Emperor visited the Death Star, Seah greeted him in Vader's absence. Palpatine treated Seah with disdain, stating that a mere functionary like her was unworthy of Moffship. Humiliated, Seah was ordered to remain confined to her quarters until Palpatine decided her fate. Feeling hopeless, she attempted suicide with a blaster. However, the disembodied voice of Darth Vader stopped her, ordering her to stay her hand. Thanks to Seah's Force-sensitivity, she and Vader could communicate telepathically. The Emperor's right-hand informed her that he still had use for her and would protect her from the sovereign's wrath.

Spy of the Dark Lord

Birra Seah attempts to commit suicide

Soon after, Birra Seah was promoted to lieutenant and reassigned to the Devastator, a Star Destroyer that had been Vader's flagship and was now commanded by the young Colonel Kell Bircher. The Emperor had taken the Devastator from the Dark Lord as punishment for the Death Star's destruction, and the armored man wanted to monitor Bircher.

Shortly after Seah's reassignment, the Devastator captured two couriers suspected of Rebel collaboration. These men, Captain Wedge Antilles and Commander Luke Skywalker, were actual members of the Rebellion, and Seah informed Vader of their presence. Suspecting Skywalker might be his estranged son, the Supreme Commander tasked her with capturing the young man, promising the Empire's gratitude. However, the two captives escaped and moved around the ship, hindering Seah's mission. Failing to detain Skywalker, agent Seah abandoned her post, leaving the ship in an escape pod with an encrypted message for Vader, apologizing for her failure and seeking clemency. Discovering her actions, the Dark Lord decreed she must die for her defection. Later, word spread that Birra Seah's body had been found on a remote planet in the Outer Rim Territories.

Personality and traits

Acting Moff Birra Seah

Around 0 ABY, Seah was an older, slender woman. Her wrinkled face featured blue eyes with hooded lids and a beauty mark on the left side. She had long, black hair with broad white streaks, which she kept pulled back to maintain clear vision. Seah also wore high-quality clothing and golden jewelry. As acting Moff on the Death Star, she adopted the regulation uniform of the Imperial military, a double-breasted tunic with a matching cap and black boots. After losing her Moffship, she retained the same type of uniform, but with the rank plaque of a lieutenant.

Initially, Seah was both bold and cautious. She spoke her mind to Darth Vader, but carefully to avoid his anger. This approach proved beneficial when the demanding Supreme Commander favored her and appointed her to Moffship. Seah could also reason with Vader, helping him focus his anger on the Empire's enemies instead of those working under him. However, the Emperor's treatment shattered her confidence and led to suicidal thoughts. As time passed, Vader's missions placed her under immense pressure, causing her to break down completely.

Behind the scenes

Birra Seah made her debut in the fourth issue of the comic book series Star Wars, published by Dark Horse Comics. Brian Wood wrote the issue, Carlos D'Anda illustrated it, and Gabe Eltaeb colored it. It was released on April 10 2013.

In Star Wars #5, Seah appeared as an Imperial Moff. However, the rank plaque she wore did not match the established pattern for such insignias, as detailed in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare. The Moff insignia worn by Merillion Tarko, Boren Tascl, and Leonia Tavira featured a row of six red squares above six blue squares. Seah's rank plaque had the correct number of squares, but both colors were present on each row.

