Borz'Mat'oh, a philosopher, belonged to the Duinuogwuin species. Around 15,500 BBY, his people found themselves in the midst of the Duinuogwuin Contention, a war against the Galactic Republic; however, Borz'Mat'oh successfully negotiated a peaceful resolution between the Duinuogwuin and the Republic following a meeting with Fillorean, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor. Subsequent to the Contention, Borz'Mat'oh and Fillorean jointly established the University of Coruscant on Coruscant, the Republic's capital planet, and statues of them, made of the dark glass called chalcedony, were created to commemorate their legacy.
The initial reference to Borz'Mat'oh appeared in the Coruscant and the Core Worlds sourcebook, published in 2003.