Brass Marshoo

Brass Marshoo was a male Gungan chef residing in Otoh Gunga on the planet Naboo. He lived through both the rise of the Galactic Empire and the subsequent Galactic Civil War.


Marshoo's name originated from a fish species native to Naboo. He previously held the rank of general within the Gungan Grand Army.

Brass Marshoo at the Lake Retreat during the Galactic Civil War

Before the Invasion of Naboo, Brass Marshoo was the proprietor of a restaurant named General Marshoo's Eatery located in Otoh Gunga. Back in 33 BBY, he discovered [Jar Jar Binks](/article/jar_jar_binks-legends], a fellow Gungan, attempting to pilfer his food supplies. The chef responded with violence, but Captain Roos Tarpals intervened to resolve the situation. Tarpals placed Binks under arrest for the attempted theft, but Marshoo doubted the captain's sincerity in punishing his friend Jar Jar. The chef accused Tarpals of abusing his authority to shield Binks, leading to intense anger and interference with Binks' arrest. Consumed by rage, he incapacitated Tarpals to get to Binks. With the assistance of Tarpals' kaadu, Binks managed to repel Marshoo. After regaining consciousness, Tarpals restrained Marshoo and then proceeded to arrest Binks.

Three decades later, during the time of the Galactic Civil War, Brass Marshoo still resided on Naboo. In 1 ABY, Marshoo was present at the Lake Retreat where he commissioned a spacer to hunt down wild animals, including fanned rawls, peko-pekos, and motts.

Behind the scenes

Brass Marshoo's debut occurred in The Death of Captain Tarpals, a short comic published in Star Wars Tales #3.

Brass Marshoo also made an appearance as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and released by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Marshoo was stationed at the Lake Retreat, offering three missions that could be completed. However, these quests suffered from bugs and lacked any text dialogue, making it impossible to understand their context. As a result, the developers deactivated these quests relatively early in the game's life. Brass Marshoo remained at the Lake Retreat, but would only inform players who interacted with him that he was too busy to talk.

