Using the breath control power, a technique within the Force, a Force Sensitive individual could override their body's natural response to cease function after extended periods without oxygen. This allowed them to extend the duration they could survive without breathing beyond normal limits, by employing the Force to conserve air within their lungs. It was speculated that certain masters of this skill could sustain breath-holding for durations spanning hours, or even days, through this method. However, utilizing this ability alone did not prevent the entry or exit of substances from the user's respiratory system. In some scenarios, a Force-generated barrier within, or surrounding the nasal/throat area was necessary to block hazardous gases or water. The requirement for such a barrier depended on the ambient air/water pressure and the user's inherent capacity to seal their airways. This technique proved particularly valuable in environments characterized by thin air, underwater conditions, or the presence of toxic fumes.
Meetra Surik, having acquired this ability from Kreia, employed it to neutralize the toxic gases present in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr cantina on Nar Shaddaa. During the Invasion of Naboo, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi briefly utilized this power when the Trade Federation attempted to poison them by filling their location with Dioxis. Kenobi also used this power when he fell into a body of water after Cody ordered him to be shot down during Order 66. In 19 ABY, Luke Skywalker employed this ability when he suspected pirates were introducing gas into a room, when they were actually removing air. He also utilized it alongside his wife while assisting in extinguishing a fire aboard the Chaf Envoy. Jaina Solo made use of it when the Galactic Alliance Guard tried to gas her and her mother in a speeder. Solo reflected that while sustaining breath in space for extended periods was achievable using the power, it was more challenging to employ it effectively against gas attacks, given the proximity of oxygen, while in space, her mind knew there was no oxygen available.