A stellar object situated within the Inner Rim, known as Brightday, served as the battleground for the Second Battle of Brightday during the Waymancy Storm conflict, which took place in 7811 BBY. Furthermore, prior to the Clone Wars by more than a decade, Darsius, the commanding officer, strategically positioned a line of cruisers at Brightday. Between the years of 12 ABY and 13 ABY, Brightday was incorporated into the territory of the New Republic.
Residing within the Brightday system, Brightday was a particular astronomical entity found in the Northern Dependencies region of the Inner Rim. The name Brightday was shared with Upper Brightday, a neighboring celestial object located in the Expansion Region.

Brightday was the location of the Second Battle of Brightday during the Waymancy Storm, which occurred in 7811 BBY. During that particular battle, a component of the Galactic Republic fleet successfully maintained their position, an act that Nagratha, the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, later highlighted as one of the war's most valiant moments in a speech given on the 25th anniversary of Victory in the Waymancy Storm in 7786 BBY.
Sometime more than a decade before the Clone Wars (22 BBY to 19 BBY), Darsius, who held the rank of commanding officer, strategically positioned a line of cruisers at Brightday. Later in time, the young Human Wullf Yularen, who would become a Republic Navy officer, questioned his father, Thull Yularen, a renowned officer in the Planetary Security Forces, about the methods Darsius employed at Brightday. Subsequently, this astronomical object was incorporated into the New Republic between 12 ABY and 13 ABY.
Brightday was first mentioned in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a reference book published in 2012 by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. The Online Companion to The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference book, which can be found on StarWars.com, placed the Brightday system, and consequently the celestial body itself, within grid square K-8.