The Brigians were a species of humanoid beings who were originally from the planet called Brigia, situated within the Tion Hegemony. They possessed a slender and elongated physique, characterized by purple skin and distinctive red eyes. The planet's ecosystem was notably fragile, which mandated a phase-one decontamination process for all incoming spacecraft before they could land. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Brigia faced an invasion by the Yuuzhan Vong. Initially, the native Brigians put up resistance, but they were eventually compelled to retreat underground and engage in a guerrilla-style conflict. In their desperation, the Brigians made appeals to the Corporate Sector Authority for assistance; however, the organization, driven by its business interests, disregarded their pleas. Ultimately, the Brigians who survived were subjected to enslavement and the implantation of surge-coral within their bodies.
The Brigians were a sentient species of humanoid beings distinguished by their tall, thin, and awkward physical structure. Brigians had narrow shoulders that extended to two slender arms, each ending in a long, delicate hand. These hands secreted an oily substance. Most members of this species had lean backsides, and their legs and feet were too narrow to properly fit standard-sized combat boots. Brigian ankles were slim and had an unusual boned structure. Body size varied to some extent; for instance, Inspector Keek was relatively broad for a Brigian, possessing notable strength. The Brigians had skulls that were elongated, small, bud-like noses, and eyes that stood out from their skull. Their eyes had tiny, red pupils. The Brigians' skin was purple, with varying shades of darkness among individuals. Brigian anatomy also featured lateral folds, which could be used for hiding smaller objects like weapons or pouches.