Builder Forge

During the era of the Infinite Empire, prior to 33,598 BBY, the Rakata established the Builder Forge on the surface of Kashyyyk. Initially, its purpose was to oversee a planet-wide agricultural restructuring, necessitated by Kashyyyk's insufficient production capacity. However, in 33,357 BBY, a malfunction occurred, 241 standard years following its last communication with the builders. This malfunction caused the project to continue beyond its intended termination point, leading to the excessive growth of the massive wroshyr trees and the accelerated evolution of various species. Furthermore, the installation housed a Star Map, an artifact containing the hyperspace coordinates for the Star Forge, the Rakata's center of power. Upon its discovery by Darth Revan in 3961 BBY, he modified the computer with a Basic-speaking holocron interface, designed to restrict access solely to himself, and also deleted the Star Map data access log.

Subsequently, the computer documented numerous unsuccessful access attempts until Revan's return in 3956 BBY, accompanied by former Jedi Jolee Bindo, both seeking the Star Map. During his exile on Kashyyyk, Jolee stumbled upon the immense computer, attempting to communicate with it 152 times, yet failing each time. Freyyr, a Wookiee Chieftain who had resided in the Shadowlands for 19 years, also made three unsuccessful attempts to interact with the machine, mirroring Jolee's experience. A preliminary neural scan granted the amnesiac Revan limited access; however, he was required to answer a series of questions for a behavioral reconfiguration assessment due to his altered identity.

Regrettably for the pair, Revan's responses did not align with the expected answers, resulting in the activation of two defense droids for an alternative neural scan involving combat. After the droids were defeated, Revan gained access to the Star Map, as the computer determined that his emotions during the battle matched the patterns stored in its data banks.

Behind the scenes

In the non-canon dark side storyline, Revan answers the questions in accordance to the pattern he previously established, allowing him to access the computer without engaging the droids in combat, and rewarded with 'dark side points'.

The holocron's behavior test, which presented hypothetical scenarios, would pit the player against some of his companions, should they be present during that segment of the game. Mission Vao would disapprove of the answer to the question regarding the betrayal of her Wookiee companion Zaalbar. Similarly, Carth Onasi would also object to the response concerning the sacrifice of an entire city in a war scenario to ensure ultimate victory over the enemy.

The holocron would immediately grant unrestricted access to the Star Map if Revan had already experienced the events aboard the Leviathan and regained knowledge of his forgotten identity, which occurs when the player only has one Star Map remaining to be discovered.

