Bulgan, a tribal outcast from the Tasbir clan, was an Ansionian of Alwari descent. A childhood suubatar mishap resulted in a hunched back and the loss of one eye. Furthermore, the accident caused brain damage, which was later rectified by the Jedi healer Barriss Offee.
Due to these physical impairments, he was exiled from his clan during his youth, forcing him to reside in urban areas. He subsequently became an enforcer for Soergg the Hutt, who surgically placed a detonator chip in his neck as a means of guaranteeing his unwavering allegiance.
Despite his hunched posture, Bulgan, who was bald with a pale complexion, possessed greater strength than typical Ansonians of comparable height and physique. He and another outcast, Kyakhta, received orders from Bossban Soergg to apprehend one of the Jedi Padawans who had recently journeyed from Coruscant to mediate a border conflict. However, Jedi Offee thwarted the outcasts' objective and healed their mental issues. Consequently, their allegiance shifted to the Jedi, and they joined them on their mission across the planet.