Cambylictus berries, also known as camby berries, were a delicacy enjoyed by Ewoks and those celebrating the Festival of Love. These berries grew on Cambylictus trees, which were native to both Endor and Naboo.

These berries were harvested from Cambylictus trees that grew natively in the forests of Endor. Their flavor profile was considered to be naturally tart. It is also known that Cambylictus trees grew on the planet of Naboo.
In the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, the introduction of Cambylictus berries occurred during the Ewok Festival of Love in 2008. Within the game, Camby berries were available for purchase at a price of 2,500 credits. However, it is important to acknowledge that this price point was likely a game mechanic and may not accurately represent the actual cost of the berries. Within the game, chocolate fountains were available at the celebratory cities which allowed Camby berries to be dipped. This process would transform the camby berries into chocolate covered Camby berries.
During subsequent Festival of Love celebrations in 2009, 2010, and 2011, Camby berries were again available for sale. The inspiration for Camby berries may have come from strawberries, which are often paired with chocolate.