Carbonite war droid

The carbonite war droid functioned as a battle droid utilized by the Galactic Empire during the era surrounding the Galactic Civil War. An alternative model, designated the "incinerator war droid", involved replacing the integrated carbonite projector with a flamethrower weapon system.


This humanoid droid possessed a height of multiple meters, and was equipped with both a carbonite projector and a substantial blast shield. Its operational tactics involved employing the carbonite projector to render enemies immobile, freeze objects, and generate a smoke screen across an area.


During 1 BBY, the Empire manufactured a large quantity of war droids featuring both fire-based and ice-based weapon attachments. Several of these droids saw deployment on Rhador, where they encased numerous individuals in carbonite before proceeding to eradicate the entire village. Subsequently, they served as combat units for defensive operations on Kamino and Cato Neimoidia, as well as in an ambush against the Salvation during the Battle near the Itani Nebula. It is worth noting, however, that carbonite war droids did not participate in the attack on the aforementioned battleship.

Starkiller attacks a carbonite war droid.

A clone of Galen Marek encountered and neutralized a number of carbonite war droids on both Kamino and Cato Neimoidia by using the Force to detach their shields, and then turning their own weaponry against them. This resulted in the droids freezing into statues, which were then easily shattered via Force push.

