
Cardacs held the rank of lieutenant and served as a pilot within Red Squadron of the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War.


Cardacs, a seasoned pilot, served in the Outer Rim Territories before his transfer to the Independence. As Red Two, using his call sign, his initial assignment with Red Squadron involved a rescue operation to free Rebel prisoners, including his comrade Captain Samuel Raider. Raider had managed to escape aboard the BFF-1 bulk freighter Genue from the Star's End penal colony located on Mytus VII. Despite the mission's success, Cardacs met his end when his R-22 Spearhead was destroyed during combat with TIE Fighters launched from the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer named Intrepid. Though Keyan Farlander, Cardacs' flight leader, had only known him briefly, Cardacs' death marked the first loss of a wingmate for him, causing Farlander considerable guilt. Raider, Cardacs' friend, initially blamed Farlander for his demise, but later came to the understanding that Farlander couldn't have prevented it.

Behind the scenes

In Star Wars: X-Wing (Star Wars: X-Wing), Cardacs appears as the wingman (flying an A-wing to protect the player) in ToD II: Op I: 'Rescue at the Stars' End', although he is not mentioned in the game's story. Saving him from the attacking TIEs is extremely challenging, if not impossible, and his demise is considered canon within the strategy guide.

