The Imperial I-class Star Destroyer named Intrepid served the Imperial Starfleet during the initial stages of the Galactic Civil War. Notably, it holds the unfortunate distinction of being the first Star Destroyer obliterated in a direct attack by forces belonging to the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
During the period of the Galactic Civil War, the Intrepid was assigned the duty of guarding the Imperial detention facility located on Mytus VII. Following the escape of several Rebel pilots, namely Samuel Raider and Toalagar, aboard the BFF-1 bulk freighter named Genue, the Intrepid received orders to oversee their subsequent capture in the vicinity of Kashyyyk. However, a Rebel rescue operation, executed utilizing the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle Drago, successfully extracted the escapees. Simultaneously, Keyan Farlander and Cardacs, piloting R-22 Spearheads, engaged and effectively stalled the starfighters deployed from the Intrepid.
While still positioned near Kashyyyk, the Intrepid was present during the Rebel-led rescue aimed at liberating Wookiee slaves. These slaves were being transported aboard the freighter Toral for labor on the Death Star. The Rebel forces successfully overcame the Assault Gunboats providing defense for the freighter and boarded the vessel to free the Wookiees. Despite the Intrepid's deployment of fighters to thwart the rescue, Raider and Farlander managed to keep them at bay until the operation concluded successfully.
Subsequently, after some communications satellites were pilfered from the Imperial base on Orron III and were being transported off-planet aboard the freighter Phoenix, the Intrepid responded. However, upon its arrival, the freighter had already been captured by Rebel forces and had jumped to hyperspace. Although the Intrepid launched its fighters, Farlander, piloting the lone Rebel Y-wing in the area, successfully repelled them and, as a parting gesture, launched a proton torpedo at the Intrepid before departing.
The following week, the Intrepid attempted to eliminate the Phoenix as it awaited the arrival of the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Maximus. This Imperial offensive was disrupted by Keyan Farlander in an R-22 Spearhead, who managed to hold off the Imperial fighters until the Maximus arrived. Shortly after the arrival of the Maximus, the Intrepid retreated, leading the Rebels to deduce that it was experiencing a deficit of either pilots or starfighters.

Later, the Intrepid's hyperdrive sustained damage due to an inadvertent collision involving an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, which left the vessel marooned within the Circarpous system. As the last 'witness' to the transmission of the Death Star schematics to Rebel hands, the Alliance recognized a valuable opportunity. Keyan Farlander, piloting an X-wing and escorted by a pair of R-22 Spearheads, conducted a raid targeting freighters belonging to the Kiam group, which were transporting components necessary for repairing the hyperdrive. In spite of the Intrepid's deployment of TIE fighters against the attacking Rebels, the freighters carrying the vital hyperdrive parts were destroyed before they could successfully deliver their cargo.
With the Intrepid remaining stranded and facing a shortage of fighters, the Empire dispatched three CR90 corvettes from Viper group, alongside several Assault Gunboats, to provide reinforcement until the necessary repairs could be completed. The Rebels then made the decision to eliminate the reinforcements prior to their arrival at the Intrepid. Farlander spearheaded a group of Y-wings, escorted by Ernek Marskan in an X-wing, on this mission. Despite the deployment of TIE/sa bombers to support the incoming ships, the Intrepid was largely powerless to prevent the Rebels from destroying its reinforcements.
Now rendered practically defenseless, save for a handful of remaining TIE pilots, the Alliance determined that the opportune moment for a large-scale assault had arrived. Keyan Farlander and Sunnar Jan-lo, piloting two X-wings from Red Squadron, were assigned the task of disabling the Intrepid's ISD-72x shield generator domes, paving the way for a heavy torpedo barrage from Blue Squadron's Y-wings. Two R-22s from Gold Squadron were tasked with engaging the TIE defenses and providing cover for the other Rebel fighters. Samuel Raider and Ernek Marskan were among the Rebel pilots participating in the engagement. Despite suffering some fighter losses, the Rebel bombardment proved overwhelming, ultimately leading to the destruction of the Intrepid. It thus became the first Star Destroyer to be destroyed in a direct Rebel frontal assault. A patrol of Assault Gunboats arrived too late to intervene, and the Rebels successfully escaped into hyperspace.