Phoenix (BFF-1 bulk freighter)

Phoenix was a BFF-1 bulk freighter carrying a cargo of communications satellites that had been pilfered from the Imperial installation located on Orron III.

The Empire attempted to retrieve their stolen property, dispatching a squadron of shuttles along with transports with the mission to seize the departing freighter. However, the Rebel Alliance, concerned by circulating rumors of a new secret project of the Empire, decided to capture some of the Empire's communications satellites. To achieve this, they sent the shuttle Wilsey protected by Keyan Farlander flying a BTL Y-wing starfighter to capture the freighter.

Farlander was victorious against the Imperial forces, allowing the Wilsey to successfully board and take control of the Phoenix. The Phoenix jumped to hyperspace just before the arrival of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer known as the Intrepid.

One week later, the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser named Maximus was scheduled to recover the Phoenix in a secluded sector, far from the prying eyes of the Empire. However, the Maximus was delayed, so Farlander was dispatched alone in an R-22 Spearhead to defend the Phoenix until the Maximus arrived. Upon exiting hyperspace, Farlander was shocked to find the Intrepid already present, launching TIE starfighters to attack the Phoenix. Immediately under fire, Farlander engaged the TIEs until the Maximus arrived, accompanied by the freighter Ojai. The Maximus launched X-wings from Blue Squadron, but the Intrepid quickly retreated, leading the Rebels to speculate about a possible shortage of pilots or starfighters. The Ojai then docked with the Phoenix to retrieve the satellites.

Later, the CR90 corvette Jeffrey deployed the satellites, which proved vital in uncovering the Death Star I project after intercepting an Imperial transmission and relaying it to the Rebel outpost AX-235.

