
Jeffrey served the Rebel Alliance as a CR90 corvette throughout the Galactic Civil War. The Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transport named Magnus provided it in the Cron Drift for the purpose of staffing the AX-235 outpost. Furthermore, the BFF-1 bulk freighter called Ojai delivered several stolen Imperial communications satellites to the corvette.

A squadron of Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wings escorting four Imperial transports launched an assault on the meeting point. However, X-wings piloted by Keyan Farlander and Puck Naeco successfully repelled the attack, enabling the transfer to proceed.

Subsequently, the Jeffrey substituted several Imperial satellites with the Rebel versions. This allowed the monitoring of Imperial communications, with reports being sent to the AX-235 listening post. These satellites were crucial in uncovering the existence of the Death Star I initiative.

