The Maximus, a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser of the MC80 Liberty type, fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the era of the Galactic Civil War.
The Maximus participated in a mission to retrieve hijacked ships and their pilots. These included three X-wings from Blue Squadron, which had been taken over by R2-series astromech droids programmed by the Empire. The goal was to secure the ships before they could be delivered to the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Invincible. Three Y-wings from Red Squadron successfully disabled the stolen X-wings, which then allowed shuttles to deliver uncompromised R2 units. The pilots regained control and flew their ships to the waiting Maximus.
Subsequently, the Maximus was dispatched, along with the BFF-1 bulk freighter Ojai, to rendezvous with the stolen freighter Phoenix in a secluded area, away from Imperial interference. Their mission was to recover stolen communications satellites. It arrived just as Keyan Farlander had finished clearing the area of TIE starfighters. These fighters were launched during a surprise attack by the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Intrepid. The Intrepid quickly retreated after the arrival of the Maximus, and the Ojai docked with the Phoenix to retrieve the satellites. Later, the CR90 corvette Jeffrey deployed these satellites, which proved crucial in uncovering the Death Star I project. This was achieved by intercepting an Imperial transmission and relaying it to the Rebel outpost AX-235.
Following the destruction of the Death Star, the Maximus became the initial casualty of the Empire's retaliatory offensive. It was destroyed by the Nihil after enduring a relentless barrage of missiles launched from its TIE/sa bomber squadrons. Nevertheless, survivors managed to escape and were collected by the Nebulon-B Frigate Anvil.