Defense of the Anvil

The series of engagements known as the Defense of the Anvil occurred after the Evacuation of Yavin. During an Imperial Star Destroyer Nihil ambush, the Rebel Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Maximus sustained irreparable harm. The crew of the Maximus were compelled to evacuate to the escort frigate Anvil and other supporting vessels, protected by A-wings from Blue Squadron. Keyan Farlander led a team of two X-wing starfighters to safeguard the evacuating vessels from Imperial fighter craft. Although the shuttles, transports, and the Anvil successfully made the jump to hyperspace, Farlander's wingman and several A-wing pilots perished.

Soon after their escape, a squadron of Assault Gunboats launched an attack on the Anvil. Farlander, flying as Red One, and a wingman, flying A-wings as Red Two, joined Gold Squadron X-wings in defending the frigate while it received resupplies from the Rebel corvette Lauhu. Subsequently, the Rebels faced fighters deployed from the frigate Firelance. The Anvil managed to escape, but the damage it sustained was beyond repair. Farlander led a trio of X-wings, along with a group of Y-wings, in defending the frigate as the crew evacuated to the corvette Hart. While the rescue ships successfully escaped, Farlander's fellow X-wing pilots were killed. Farlander then received orders to scuttle the incapacitated Anvil before he and the Y-wings returned to base.

Behind the scenes

This conflict was portrayed in Operations 3, 4, and 5 of the Star Wars: X-Wing computer game's Imperial Pursuit expansion pack.

