The engagements known as the Battle of the Circarpous system comprised a series of incursions executed by Rebel forces operating from the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser called the Independence. These raids culminated in the obliteration of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer designated as the Intrepid.
The Intrepid bore witness to the Rebel Alliance freighter named Phoenix absconding with several communications satellites from the Imperial installation located on Orron III, yet it proved unable to prevent their theft. The subsequent week saw the Intrepid make an attempt to obliterate the Phoenix as it awaited the arrival of the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Maximus. Their Imperial offensive was disrupted by Keyan Farlander piloting an R-22 Spearhead, who successfully fended off the Imperial fighters until the Maximus made its appearance. Shortly following the Maximus's arrival, the Intrepid retreated, leading the Rebels to surmise that it was suffering from a deficiency in pilots or starfighters. Furthermore, the Intrepid served as the last 'witness' to the transmission of the Death Star schematics into Rebel hands. Eventually, the Alliance identified a strategic opportunity when the Intrepid's hyperdrive sustained damage in an inadvertent collision involving an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, which resulted in the vessel being marooned within the Circarpous system.
Keyan Farlander piloted an X-wing, accompanied by two R-22 Spearheads as escorts, in a targeted assault against freighters belonging to the Kiam group, which were in the process of transporting components intended for the hyperdrive's repair.
Despite the Intrepid's deployment of TIE fighters, the Rebels managed to struggle their way through to the freighters, and Farlander pinpointed those carrying the hyperdrive components. He then obliterated the first freighter using proton torpedoes, before employing laser cannons to neutralize the second, all while evading incoming fire from the defending TIE fighters. With the hyperdrive components destroyed, the Rebels executed a jump back into hyperspace.
With the Intrepid remaining stranded and experiencing a shortage of fighters, the Empire dispatched three CR90 corvettes from the Viper group, along with several Assault Gunboats, to provide reinforcement until repairs could be completed. The Rebels resolved to eliminate the reinforcements before they could draw near to the Intrepid. Farlander spearheaded a contingent of Y-wings, escorted by Ernek Marskan in an X-wing, for this mission.
The Rebels strategically lured the Assault Gunboats away from the corvettes and proceeded to eliminate them before advancing on the larger vessels. Farlander instructed his wingmates to concentrate their fire on the lead corvette, successfully destroying it with a proton torpedo strike, thereby creating a breach in the formation. Subsequently, Farlander targeted one of the remaining corvettes while his wingmates engaged the other. The Intrepid was largely powerless to intervene as its reinforcements were decimated, and the Rebels once again retreated into hyperspace.
The Intrepid now found itself in a defenseless state, save for the few remaining TIE pilots. The Alliance determined that the opportune moment for a substantial assault had arrived. Two X-wings from Red Squadron, piloted by Keyan Farlander and Sunnar Jan-lo, were assigned the task of disabling the Intrepid's ISD-72x deflector shield generator domes in advance of a heavy torpedo barrage launched by Blue Squadron's Y-wings. Samuel Raider piloted one of two R-22s from Gold Squadron, tasked with engaging the TIE defenses and safeguarding the other Rebel craft.
Although the Rebels incurred losses among their fighters, including Jan-lo's X-wing, which was destroyed by a concussion missile, the intensity of the bombardment proved overwhelming, ultimately resulting in the destruction of the Intrepid. A patrol consisting of Assault Gunboats arrived too late to salvage the Intrepid, and the Rebels successfully escaped into hyperspace.
This engagement marked the first instance of a successful destruction of a Star Destroyer resulting from a direct Rebel assault. Jan-lo successfully ejected and was rescued following the battle, subsequently being transported back to the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Independence for bacta treatment.
This battle initially appeared in the 1993 LucasArts video game Star Wars: X-Wing, specifically within the "Tour of Duty II: The Great Search" missions titled "Stop Hyperdrive Replacement," "Take Out Intrepid's Escort," and "Destroy the Intrepid."