Carib Devist functioned as the clandestine leader of the Imperial sleeper cell known as Jenth-44 on the world of Pakrik Minor, and was a clone derived from the genetic material of Soontir Fel.
During his campaign against the New Republic, Grand Admiral Thrawn orchestrated the creation and deployment of Carib, along with several other clones who were considered his "brothers," to Pakrik Minor. Despite his origins as a clone, Carib entered into marriage with a woman on Pakrik Minor named Lacy, and together they had two children, named Daberin and Keena.
The clones of Baron Fel not only inherited his exceptional piloting abilities and unwavering devotion to the Empire's ideals, but also his upbringing in a rural environment and fondness for agricultural pursuits. Over a span of more than a decade, and without receiving any activation directives from the Imperial Remnant, Carib and his fellow clones transitioned into a tranquil, agrarian existence, dedicating themselves to their farms and families, while ensuring their TIE Interceptor spacecraft remained in optimal operational condition.
The activation signal eventually arrived during the Caamas Document Crisis in 19 ABY. The Devist clones were informed that Imperial forces were planning an attack on Han and Leia Organa Solo while they were vacationing in the Pakrik System. In response, they chose to abandon their allegiance to the Empire, opting instead to safeguard the Solos' lives by utilizing their Interceptors to prevent the damaged Millennium Falcon from crashing. In return for this act, and for their pledge to refrain from fighting for the Empire even under orders, Carib requested only that they and their families be allowed to live in peace. However, Solo negotiated an additional favor: persuading Carib to leverage his previous Imperial connections to dispatch a high-priority message traceable to Bastion, the Remnant's hidden capital, allowing Solo and Lando Calrissian to journey there in hopes of recovering an uncorrupted copy of the Caamas Document from the Imperial archives.
Prior to the Battle of Bothawui, Carib and his comrades presented themselves to the New Republic as the official "envoys" of Pakrik Minor, offering their assistance to the Solos and President Gavrisom in maintaining order over Bothawui. During the Battle itself, their contributions proved indispensable. They identified small ore-hauling vessels on the periphery of the battle as disguised scout ships for the cloaked Imperial Star Destroyer Tyrannic. Furthermore, when the Millennium Falcon was seized by the Star Destroyer, they employed their Interceptors to destroy the ship's tractor beam generator. The Falcon's escape thwarted the Imperial ambush, forcing them to decloak in time for the warring ships over Bothawui to notice and unite against them. Carib and his brothers survived the engagement, and it is assumed they were permitted to return to their families, with the gratitude of the New Republic.
Carib held the opinion that Thrawn's selection of Fel as a cloning template was a "miscalculation," given that Carib and his brothers ultimately determined that their dedication to their homes and families superseded their loyalty to the Empire. However, Fel himself clarified to Mara Jade Skywalker on Nirauan that such characteristics were precisely what Thrawn had intended, as the sleeper cells were not established for actions against the New Republic, but rather to establish resistance groups in the event that the galaxy was overrun by the various threats from the Unknown Regions that Thrawn had devoted much of his life to containing.