Carnovia, a humid waterworld, was situated within the Carnovia system, which itself was located in the Hutt Space region of the Slice. The Kaaga Run hyperlane provided a connection to the Circumtore and Nar Kaaga systems. Deep within Carnovia's waters dwelled enormous Carnovian eels. Many individuals enslaved by the Hutt species toiled on this planet, tending to pens where young Carnovian eels were raised, as the Hutts considered these eels delicacies. In addition to eel farming, Carnovia was also renowned for its overall production of food items.
Carnovia functioned as the operational hub for the Hutt Vermilic clan. The Floating Palace of Minalod, the clan's leader, was centrally located on a vast lake, encircled by eel pens of varying depths. The Vermilic abducted scientists from enslaved populations to engineer counterfeit versions of popular processed foods, which the Hutts then disseminated throughout the galaxy. The most skilled of these scientists both worked and resided within the Floating Palace.
The world of Carnovia initially appeared—through a mention of its Carnovian eels—in A. C. Crispin's 1998 novel, Rebel Dawn. It was later formally established as a planet in The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference book written in collaboration by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, and was placed in grid square S-12. Fry explained in a 2009 article published on that Carnovia was selected for inclusion on the Hutt Space map in the book because of its association with the Hutts, which would enhance the region's familiarity for readers.