Carth Onasi possessed a personalized blaster pistol throughout the duration of the Jedi Civil War. Although the weapon's design originated from the ancient Arkanian civilization, it had been modified to integrate then-contemporary modular technology utilized by the Galactic Republic. This blaster could be enhanced with a scope, a beam splitter, a hair trigger, and an enhanced energy cell. Onasi had this blaster during the Attack on the Endar Spire, an event where he first encountered Revan, a former Sith Lord masquerading as a Republic soldier. Onasi typically wielded this customized blaster in his right hand, alongside a standard blaster pistol in his left.
Subsequently, during the Jedi Purge that followed, a blaster bearing the symbol of the Onasi family was discovered. It is plausible that this blaster was once owned by Carth, having been lost sometime after his journeys with Revan. Alternatively, it might have belonged to another member of his family.

This blaster was initially introduced as an equippable item within the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Its presence does not influence any quests or alignment shifts. Because Carth Onasi is automatically equipped with the blaster upon his appearance on Taris, it is impossible to avoid obtaining it. However, the player has the option to remove it from his inventory. Additionally, the player is free to sell or store the weapon, and is not obligated to keep it in their possession.
In the 2004 sequel, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, it reappears as the "Onasi Blaster", obtainable either as a random item drop or as a reward from Suulru.