Chad Hilse

Chad Hilse, an ensign hailing from Alderaan, fought for the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Driven by a commitment to overthrow the Galactic Empire, he served on the CR90 corvette known as the Tantive IV. The vessel fell under attack and was crippled by the Devastator, an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer. Hilse met his end while attempting to safeguard Princess Leia Organa and the stolen Death Star plans she carried, perishing in the defense of the ship against the 501st Legion stormtrooper force.


A Human from the planet of Alderaan, Chad Hilse joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a marine and volunteer trooper amidst the Galactic Civil War. Achieving the rank of ensign, he underwent training in both starship and ground combat methods. In 0 BBY, Hilse found himself aboard the CR90 corvette the Tantive IV when Princess Leia Organa received a transmission from Rebel spies containing the plans for the Death Star, a formidable Imperial battle station designed as a superweapon.

During the attack over Tatooine, Hilse was on the Tantive IV when the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Devastator disabled it. The Devastator served as the flagship of Darth Vader, the Sith Lord. Hilse and his fellow soldiers took up defensive positions within the corvette's corridors, engaging the 501st Legion stormtrooper unit. He was among the first to perish in the resulting firefight.

Personality and traits

Chad Hilse embodied the dedication of the Rebel volunteers who were committed to the Empire's defeat. He possessed light skin, brown hair, and blue eyes.


While serving on the Tantive IV, Chad Hilse was outfitted in the standard uniform worn by Alliance Fleet troopers. His weapon of choice was a DH-17 blaster pistol. He also wore a cap as part of his uniform, alongside a bandolier and a scanner.

Behind the scenes

Chad Hilse made an appearance in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the 1977 film that began the original trilogy. An uncredited extra portrayed him, with filming taking place in the United Kingdom in mid 1976. The character lacked dialogue and remained unnamed as Chad Hilse until 1995, when Decipher released the Star Wars Customizable Card Game. The "Rebel trooper" card in the Premiere Limited set revealed his name and much of his background.

