Chak juice, a drink concocted by the Ewoks, was a popular item for sale during their Festival of Love festivities.
Deemed delicious, Chak juice was formulated using a material the Ewoks referred to as "Chak". This key ingredient was sourced from Endor's Spirit Tree. The drink's hue was characteristically purplish.
During the Festival of Love occurring in 1.5 ABY, spacers bought this drink from Logray across various celebratory urban centers, notably Theed, Kaadara, Tyrena, and the Southern Ewok Lake Village.
Within the Star Wars Galaxies MMORPG, Chak juice made its debut to the game in the 2008 Ewok Festival of Love. In-game, it was available for purchase at 2,000 credits. It's likely, however, that this price point was a simple gameplay element, and not indicative of the actual value of the drink. Chak juice was offered again during the following Festival of Love events in 2009, 2010, and 2011.