Chamber of Antiquities

The Chamber of Antiquities comprised a collection of rooms and secure vaults situated far beneath the primary structure of the Great Jedi Library located on Ossus. Within this area, Jedi Master Odan-Urr meticulously archived and examined ancient relics, transcribed and converted writings into digital formats, and safeguarded the library's most valuable and perilous objects.


The Chamber of Antiquities, a network of vaults and chambers forming the second sublevel, was an integral part of the Great Library complex's lower levels on Ossus. Accessible via two elevators from the first sublevel, this area was generally restricted to visitors because it housed the collection's most hazardous artifacts. Among the prized possessions stored in the vaults were a cube-shaped holocron, the oldest known records pertaining to the Jedi Order, and other revered texts. Numerous heritage tapestries illustrating a visual narrative of the two Great Schisms adorned the walls, alongside physical copies of antiquated star charts. Following the Cron Supernova, which rendered Ossus uninhabitable shortly thereafter, the Chamber and the remaining sublevels of the Great Library transformed into mausoleums, preserving the ancient texts for thousands of years. During the Imperial Era, the skeletal remains of a Draethos were still found slumped at the base of his grand chair in his study, while a pair of stone guardians stood as unwavering protectors, guarding the chamber against trespassers.


  • Nexus of Power (First mentioned)

Notes and references
