Chanchaz Iryt's species

A sentient species originated on the high-gravity planet Kaump III, situated within the Mid Rim. Members of this species were characterized by their compact builds, short limbs, dense physical structure, and flattened facial features. Chanchaz Iryt, a mercenary and pirate who hailed from Kaump III, belonged to this species. Initially, he pursued studies in repulsorlift mechanics, but his path eventually led him to a life of crime, during which he executed a number of prominent robberies before departing his homeworld aboard a luxury liner. Subsequently, Iryt became associated with the pirate organization known as the Fatal Visionaries.

Biology and appearance

The sentient species to which Chanchaz Iryt, the mercenary and pirate, belonged, was indigenous to Kaump III, a high-gravity planet located in the Mid Rim's Bruanii sector. The intense gravity of their home environment resulted in the species having a stocky build and reduced height. They also possessed abbreviated limbs alongside a flat facial structure. Iryt's height was 1.1 meters, and he had brown eyes and hair.

Society and culture

Kaump III, the species' place of origin, contained at least one city that featured both an affluent residential area and several disreputable nightclubs.


Born on Kaump III, Chanchaz Iryt was a notably powerful, violent, and sadistic member of this species. In his youth, Iryt dedicated himself to mastering the principles of repulsorlift mechanics, while also spending his nights in the planet's nightclubs learning how to brawl and intimidate others. He repaired engines and robbed intoxicated individuals and visiting tourists to gain money for drinks. However, Iryt soon decided that he was meant for greater things and carried out a string of extremely profitable and well-publicized robberies in a prosperous district of a local city. Afterward, at some point around the time of the Galactic Civil War, Iryt left Kaump III on a luxury liner headed to the Outer Rim Territories planet Bespin.

Chanchaz Iryt's species in the galaxy

Within Cloud City, located on Bespin, Iryt encountered Zhen Mirat, who was sensitive to the Force, and ultimately rose to the position of chief lieutenant within Mirat's pirate organization, the Fatal Visionaries.

Behind the scenes

The species of Chanchaz Iryt was first referenced in "Iron Hands, Captive Hearts," a source article for roleplaying written by Joe Littrell for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games, published in issue sixty-eight of Polyhedron magazine in February of 1992.


Notes and references
