The Charr Ontee were intelligent arachnids native to Kathol, possessing two pairs of legs and two pairs of arms; they displayed sentience. The ancient Kathol species engineered them genetically. A sticky webbing could also be produced by them. Millennia before the Galactic Civil War, they were initially designed to be a farming race; nevertheless, the Kathol treated them as equals. This existence was shattered by the Rift Disaster, which almost annihilated the Charr Ontee. The survivors became servants of the Darkstryder, as it guarded the Lifewell. The Darkstryder, defying its programming, exiled the Charr Ontee for their opposition when the Kathol were due to awaken. Consequently, they became the eternal adversaries of the Darkstryder construct, existing far from its stronghold on the Kathol homeworld. During this separation, they were able to establish their own society and culture, but they eventually uncovered a horrifying truth about their beginnings. They found that their species was genetically deteriorating, yet this did not stop them from mastering the Ta-Ree life energy, which they used with great skill. As a result, they rose to become a formidable power within the Kathol Rift and became the more potent servants of the Kathol. A faction that made it through the Kathol cataclysm were cast into an Otherspace pocket, and over time, they devolved into the Charon subspecies, who were driven to wipe out all life.