The DarkStryder. DarkStryder, whose real identity is a mystery, existed as a supercomputer brought to life by the Kathol. Its purpose: to safeguard the remnants of their society, known as the Lifewell.
Standing at a height of fifteen meters and resembling an insect, DarkStryder possessed a true name that only the ancient Kathol could articulate. For thousands of years, this being acted as the guardian of the Lifewell, constructing a vast stronghold and commanding hordes of insect-like subordinates.
As time passed, DarkStryder developed an ambition to depart from Kathol and struck an agreement with Moff Kentor Sarne. In exchange for providing Sarne with what was termed "DarkStryder technology," DarkStryder requested a solitary starship equipped with a hyperdrive. However, Sarne, recognizing the creature's immense power, never intended to honor his side of the agreement.
This perilous game between Sarne and DarkStryder persisted until the arrival of the FarStar. The ship's crew managed to unlock the Lifewell, resulting in the liberation of the Kathol and the ultimate destruction of DarkStryder.