Chay Praysh

Chay Praysh, a Drach'nam, governed the planet of Kvabja in the era of the New Republic. Rather than living on Kvabja, Praysh made his home on Torpris, which served as the base of operations for his slaver organization. He harbored a deep animosity, particularly towards Human females.

He styled himself as "First Greatness," consequently, his underlings were called "Greatnesses." Krizar creatures, along with his Drach'nam devotees, protected his stronghold on Torpris. Ultimately, Mara Jade uncovered his activities; she was briefly taken prisoner by Praysh but successfully fled with assistance from H'sishi. Although Praysh eluded capture on Torpris, he was later seized when the New Republic, accompanied by Luke Skywalker, arrived to liberate his enslaved people.

