Krizar, alternatively known as clampjaws, were the creatures that Chay Praysh employed as guard animals. They were used to watch over the premises of his base of operations on Torpris, which was the homeworld of these beasts.
The larval stage of this creature dwelled inside diminutive shells, roughly the size of a Human thumb, within the slimy bogs of Torpris. At this point in their development, their survival outside of the slime was limited. Eventually, they would begin to hatch, which was the optimal moment to collect them. They would emerge mouth first, enabling them to inflict a painful bite on individuals, necessitating a visit to the med facility for removal of the offending creature.
Praysh abducted Human females to labor in the slime pits, tasked with locating Krizar Pupae that were ready to hatch. These women would locate and transport the newly emerged Krizar to the hatchery. During a covert operation to save the daughter of a shipping tycoon, Mara Jade toiled in these pits for a brief period. She feigned a bite from one of the pupae to secure a transfer to the infirmary, with the goal of acquiring chemicals to facilitate her escape.
Comparable, though less aggressive, species existed naturally on other marshy planets, for instance, Vodran.