The Chromans, originating from Chroma Zed, were a species of worm-like humanoids characterized by their sleek heads, smooth skin, and webbed hands. Possessing large, circular eyes and mouths without lips, they typically dwelled in burrows within mountainsides, favoring locations close to flowing water to maintain their moisture levels.
Due to their aptitude for mining, the Chromans were subjected to enslavement by the Galactic Empire. The Empire routinely killed a randomly selected Chroman to intimidate the remaining population. This unfortunate individual would be forcibly removed from their damp tunnels and secured to sun-scorched rocks, where they would convulse in the intense heat, secreting slime until only their lifeless body remained. Consequently, numerous Chromans became affiliated with Nolaa Tarkona's Diversity Alliance. Following the alliance's downfall and its replacement by the Cooperative Council of Independent Planetary Governments under the New Republic, they became a species within the New Republic Senate who voiced their reasons for joining the hate group.