The Chu-Gon Dar cube possessed the unique ability to transform objects. Crafted millennia prior to the Clone Wars by the Jedi Master known as Chu-Gon Dar, its functionality was limited to objects imbued with a specific Force presence. Following numerous volcanic events, these particular objects emerged from the ancient Jedi Temples and were dispersed across the landscape of Mustafar.
The Chu-Gon Dar cube appeared within Trials of Obi-Wan, which was the third expansion pack for Star Wars Galaxies, the MMORPG created by Sony Online Entertainment. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Obtaining the cube required the completion of a brief quest given by the NPC Ithes Olok.
Throughout Mustafar, numerous "glowing" items could be found as loot from defeated foes. By placing different combinations of these items inside the cube, players could create new items, including Mustafarian decorations, enhancements, armaments, protective gear, and other advantageous things.
A Knowledge Base entry from Sony Online Entertainment, released shortly before Trials of Obi-Wan, referred to these items as "The Cubes of Jen'ha Tar" to familiarize players with the expansion's new elements.