Cinto Alaras, of the Human species, was a man (male) who worked as a medical engineer.
Hailing from Rya, Alaras, a Human, pursued his education at the Carosi XII Academy of Medicine. This placed him within a setting that generally favored the pro-Rebel Alliance cause. Despite this, he never outwardly expressed any backing for the Rebellion.
Around 1 ABY, he completed his studies and earned his degree. Known for his lack of diligence and subpar engineering skills, he received only one employment offer, which he accepted: a position as a designer and medical consultant at the Neuro-Saav Corporation laboratories located on Tauber.
Alaras consistently avoided undertaking independent design projects, instead choosing to offer minimal input or supervise the work of fellow designers. Rebel Alliance Intelligence held the suspicion that he might eventually try to plagiarize someone else's design.
Sommen, a clandestine operative for the Rebellion, occupied the design station next to Alaras. Saren Llalik and the rest of the Rebel Alliance Task Force were concerned that Alaras might potentially monitor Sommen's activities and unmask his true identity.