The Cirra were one of the four akias of the Aramandi society who inhabited the planet Aram. The Cirra system was named in their honor, as they were the colonizers of that star system. They were the second akia to establish a presence in their respective system.
Of all the akias, the Cirra were known for their aggressive and militant nature. They maintained a constant state of preparedness for potential conflicts, even though inter-akia warfare had ceased generations before the Galactic Civil War. The Cirra akia provided the highest number of volunteers to the Taler, which served as the Aramandi military.
A typical Cirra individual would wear a loose jerkin and would always carry at least one weapon.
Around 9 BBY, a significant item for the clan, the Cirra Mace, was taken by a Seela and subsequently sold.
The Cirra akia produced individuals known for their combative skills and aggressive tendencies, such as the mercenary Ar'wa Nonshik.
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