Cladtech, situated on the Inner Rim planet of Gilvaanen, was an armor manufacturing facility operating in the time of the Imperial Era. This factory's main function was the assembly of interior components for stormtrooper armor, and it collaborated with Quelton Fabrication, a fellow armor-producing enterprise. A significant portion of Cladtech's labor force, comprised of Ithorian individuals, harbored resistance towards the Galactic Empire and intentionally slowed down the manufacturing of stormtrooper armor. Mawdo Larrth, the owner of the factory, showed consideration for his workforce and backed their actions. However, after Count Denetrius Vidian, an Imperial efficiency expert, put Larrth to death for conspiring with Thetis Quelton against the Empire, the Empire consolidated Cladtech and Quelton. The combined entity was then placed under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Department of Military Research.