The ClanRing is a piece of jewelry that legend states was crafted by the First Riileb, a figure of myth who is said to have founded the Riileb species, who are native to the planet Riileb. The Riileb who controlled Riileb society would possess the ClanRing; this was the eldest female member of the [motherclan], a group of Riileb believed to be descended from the First Riileb. The female would receive the ring upon turning 30 in Riileb years, which is the same as 30 standard years. Within the motherclan, political conflict and treachery were commonplace, and heirs were frequently eliminated by other members seeking to inherit the ring. Tere Metallo was one such heir, who was sold into slavery by a sibling motivated by jealousy when she was 25.
The ClanRing initially appeared in the short story "Rendezvous with Destiny", penned by Charlene Newcomb. This story was included in the sixth edition of the Star Wars Adventure Journal series in 1995; this series served as roleplaying supplements for the West End Games roleplaying game, Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. It was later referenced in the article "Alien Encounters" by Brian Smithson, which was featured in the thirteenth edition of the series in 1997. This article was subsequently republished in a shorter form in Alien Encounters in 1998, a compilation of all the "Alien Encounters" articles assembled by Paul Sudlow.