Tere Metallo

Tere Metallo was a female Riileb who operated as a free trader, identifying as female.


As the eldest daughter, Tere Metallo was in line to inherit the ClanRing. However, before she could assume control of the MotherClan, a sibling motivated by envy sold Tere into slavery. She found liberation through Bek Nataal, a Corellian smuggler, and subsequently worked for him for a period of seven years. During this time, he imparted to her comprehensive knowledge of piloting, smuggling, and the intricacies of the underworld.

Following Bek's demise at the hands of Imperial inspectors, Tere was apprehended and subjected to torture. Successfully escaping her confinement, she journeyed to Corellia. To sustain herself, she began repairing freighters, eventually accumulating enough funds to purchase her own vessel, the Star Quest, a TL-1800 freighter manufactured by Suwantek Systems.

While on [Tatooine](/article/tatooine-legends], Metallo engaged in a game of sabacc at a local cantina, facing off against Matt Turhaya. Turhaya wagered his brother's shop as collateral, only to lose the game. Upon discovering that he lacked the authority to bet the business, Metallo enlisted Matt as her co-pilot and mechanic, requiring him to work off a debt of 150,000 credits. Over the course of several months, she pushed Matt rigorously, ultimately recognizing his value. On Kabaira, she invited Matt to join her at Drayhar's Cantina for a sabacc game with local traders. The arrival of an Imperial lieutenant and stormtroopers interrupted the game, prompting her to leave, only to be halted by the officer's questioning of her copilot. They departed the cantina, returning to their ship. Metallo inquired about the officer's interest in him, leading Turhaya to reveal his status as a deserter from the Imperial Navy. As Metallo approached her ship, an explosion nearby startled her. She and Turhaya hastily boarded their ship, intending to leave the planet before an Imperial lockdown. Aware of Rebel activity on the planet, she feared severe repercussions from the Empire. Before their departure, a crash prompted her to investigate, revealing her injured friend, Del Hunter. She brought him aboard, providing medical attention. When an Imperial patrol arrived, she concealed the rebel in a hidden compartment, greeting the stormtroopers. The lieutenant recognized Turhaya, leading to his capture and arrest. Metallo permitted the search of her ship, but was unable to prevent Turhaya's capture.

After the departure of the Imperials, she tended to Hunter's injuries and informed him of the Rebel cell's situation. They resolved to liberate their comrades from imprisonment. Under the guise of a medical emergency, Metallo and the rebels gained entry to the prison, successfully freeing their allies. During their escape, they encountered a group of stormtroopers. The rebels engaged and eliminated the stormtroopers, continuing toward docking bay 10, where Metallo had promised them passage off Kabaira. En route, one of the rebels revealed himself as a spy and attempted to shoot Metallo, but Turhaya intervened, taking the blast. Metallo retaliated, shooting the spy Blaide, and proceeded to her starship. She successfully evaded a squadron of Z-95 Headhunters and escaped with the surviving members of the Rebel cell.

