Turhaya's Landspeeder Repair Shop, operated by Jamie Turhaya, was a modest local enterprise situated within the bustling city of Mos Eisley on the desert planet of Tatooine. Staying faithful to its title, it provided quick and efficient landspeeder maintenance to the residents of the lively settlement. This business had been founded a number of years prior to the significant event known as the Battle of Yavin.
Nevertheless, the repair shop almost ceased to exist in 3 BBY when Matt Turhaya, Jamie Turhaya's sibling, recklessly gambled the entire business away during a game of sabacc against the Riileb named Tere Metallo. Fortunately for both Jamie and the company, Metallo declined to accept ownership of the repair shop as settlement, asserting that Matt did not possess full partnership status within the business. Consequently, Metallo mandated that Matt work off his owed sum as a newly appointed crew member on her vessel, the Star Quest, thereby permitting Jamie to maintain control of the repair shop.