Matt Turhaya

Matt Turhaya was a male Human, married to Anii Degarienne, and father to Alexandra Winger.


Turhaya was born on the planet Corellia in the year 31 BBY. He wed Anii Degarienne, who also hailed from that world, in 13 BBY. Not long after their wedding, he enlisted in the Imperial Navy and began studies at the Academy of Carida, during which time his daughter Alexandra Winger was born. A few weeks before Turhaya's graduation from the Academy, Degarienne tragically died in what appeared to be an accident at the weapons factory where she was employed. Unbeknownst to Turhaya, her demise was a calculated act of sabotage.

While serving in the Imperial Navy, Turhaya entrusted his daughter to the care of his in-laws on Janara III. Within a few years, he came to the realization that he could no longer support an Empire that suppressed freedom and destroyed lives, leading him to desert the Navy. Upon returning to Janara III, he discovered that it had been devastated by the Empire. Believing his daughter to be dead, Turhaya sought solace in alcohol and gambling, eventually moving in with his older brother Jamie in Mos Eisley on Tatooine. There, Jamie ran a speeder repair shop. In 3 BBY, Turhaya encountered Captain Tere Metallo, a member of the Rebel Alliance, and signed on as her co-pilot on the Star Quest to settle a debt incurred from a sabacc game.

By the year 9 ABY, Matt Turhaya had risen to the rank of commander within the New Republic Special Forces. Shortly following the conclusion of the Thrawn campaign, he participated in the liberation of Garos IV, where he tragically lost his life without ever having the chance to meet his daughter. Alexandra later identified Turhaya as her father and learned of his unfortunate fate on her homeworld.

