Classic Star Wars: Han Solo at Stars' End 2

Classic Star Wars: Han Solo at Stars' End 2 constitutes the second installment in Dark Horse's reprint series, Classic Star Wars: Han Solo at Stars' End, which presents the original newspaper comic strips.


Following a disastrous smuggling operation that left them short on credits, Han Solo and Chewbacca find themselves compelled to accept a job from an unknown source. Upon arriving at the planet Lur aboard the Millennium Falcon for the designated pickup, they are dismayed to learn that the cargo consists of enslaved individuals – a practice that both Han and Chewbacca vehemently oppose.

After thwarting the slavers' attempt to seize control of the Falcon, and still desperately needing money, Han and Chewbacca set course for the planet Bonadan, the intended rendezvous point between the slavers' leader and their payment contact.

However, instead of finding the contact, they encounter Fiolla, an assistant auditor-general from the Corporate Sector Authority. She persuades Han that his sole opportunity to receive payment lies in assisting her to dismantle the slaving operation.

The slavers are monitoring Fiolla and, consequently, begin surveilling Han and Chewbacca, compelling the two smugglers to separate. Chewbacca assumes control of the Falcon, while Han and Fiolla embark on a cruise liner. Both groups devise a plan to reconvene on the planet Ammuud to investigate the slavers' links to one of the ruling clans there.

Upon their arrival on Ammuud, Han and Fiolla uncover the evidence necessary for Fiolla to implicate high-level Authority figures in the slave trade. Successfully evading the Authority forces dispatched by Fiolla's supervisor to apprehend them, Han and Chewbacca finally receive their payment and safely leave the planet.

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