
Cleben was a Human of the male gender who worked as a corporate functionary. He held the position of stationmaster at Kantaros Station, a space station situated within the Fervse'dra asteroid belt in the Both system. He served in this role during the initial years of the Galactic Empire.


In the year 18 BBY, Cleben extended a greeting to Sacha Swiftbird, a Human, along with Den Dhur, a Sullustan, and I-5YQ, a droid, upon their arrival at Kantaros Station. They were disguised as traders connected to Black Sun. Their mission was to rescue Thi Xon Yimmon, a Cerean resistance figure imprisoned on the station. Cleben cautioned Swiftbird and her companions against entering the Red Zone, an area of the station under Imperial control. He also consented to buy some merchandise from them. Nevertheless, during the unloading of the cargo, I-5YQ intentionally let a crate fall onto Cleben's foot to cause a diversion. This allowed them to observe the security measures controlling entry to the Red Zone. Cleben screamed in agony and was then transported to the infirmary by some of his subordinates.

