Chapter 25, the conclusive installment of the animated television program Star Wars: Clone Wars, also serves as the fifth and last episode of both Season Three and Volume Two. This episode directly precedes the events depicted in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. It was originally broadcasted on Cartoon Network on March 25, 2005.

Yoda and Mace Windu relentlessly fight through the invading droid army on Coruscant. They start questioning why such a large-scale invasion hasn't targeted the Jedi Temple or the Galactic Senate, deducing that it's a diversion from the Confederacy's true objective: Palpatine. Windu boards a passing Republic gunship, instructing the pilot to change course.
Inside a tunnel, Palpatine and his three Jedi bodyguards reach a hover capsule. Shaak Ti instructs the others to proceed to the bunker while she confronts their pursuers. Activating her lightsaber, she faces a group of MagnaGuards emerging from the shadows.
Meanwhile, on Nelvaan, Anakin Skywalker attempts to subdue the Nelvaan mutants without causing them harm. One of the subjects breaks free, destroying the tank and removing the cybernetic chestplates from two Nelvaanians. Skywalker quickly understands and uses his lightsaber to cut off the remaining chestplates. The partially mutated Nelvaan indicates a crystal within the energy chamber as the source of the planet's affliction.
During Shaak Ti's battle with the MagnaGuards, she loses her lightsaber and is almost defeated. However, she seizes an electrostaff and destroys several MagnaGuards. She then retrieves her lightsaber and skillfully combines it with the electrostaff.

The Nelvaan warriors are on a rampage through the facility, dismantling battle droids and freeing their captured comrades. Skywalker ascends to the top of the generator and descends into the crystal chamber. Enduring intense pain, he extends his prosthetic arm into the energy sphere, employing the Force to extract the crystal and shatter it. The resulting energy surge causes the generator to explode, and Skywalker jumps to safety, losing his arm in the process. The Nelvaan warriors reach the surface, where the battle droids are defeated as the planet's ice age ends. An enraged Skywalker emerges and eliminates the Techno Union scientists attempting to escape. Witnessing Skywalker's damaged arm, the Nelvaan mutants revere him as "holt kezed"—"ghost hand"—their savior, and in solidarity, they remove the implanted weapons from their own arms. Skywalker and the Nelvaanians return to their village. Initially, the women are horrified by the mutants, but when a child recognizes her father, familial bonds are restored.
Back on Coruscant, Foul Moudama and Roron Corobb successfully escort Palpatine into his secure bunker. Upon entering, they discover that General Grievous has already arrived. The two Jedi engage Grievous to protect Palpatine, who appears unconcerned and retreats into the shadows. As Moudama and Corobb lock sabers with Grievous, his arms split into four. His additional arms seize the remaining lightsabers from his waist, and Grievous attacks.
Shaak Ti continues to battle Grievous's MagnaGuards, but their sudden retreat alerts her to the fact that they were merely distracting her while Grievous targeted the others. She races to the bunker, only to find that Grievous has killed the other two Jedi and is now threatening Palpatine. Palpatine calmly retorts that Grievous wouldn't dare harm him, fearing his master's retribution. Grievous replies venomously that Palpatine is only spared because he needs to be alive.

At that moment, Shaak Ti arrives, horrified by the sight of her fallen comrades, she attacks Grievous. Grievous easily seizes the exhausted Jedi, takes her lightsaber, and activates cables from his wrist, revealing his plans for her.
The droids on Grievous's ship target the gunship carrying Mace Windu. As the gunship plummets, Windu leaps to safety. Grievous confronts him, igniting four lightsabers, but Windu uses the Force to crush Grievous's chest plates. Grievous coughs and retreats aboard his ship. Windu attempts to pursue the departing ship, but blaster fire forces him to defend himself, diminishing the power of his leap, and the ship escapes into space. He enters the bunker and finds the two Jedi dead, with Shaak Ti bound and devastated by her failure to protect the Chancellor.

R2-D2 assists Skywalker in repairing his arm when an urgent message arrives from Mace Windu on Coruscant.
As Skywalker commands the cruiser to enter hyperspace, the Battle of Coruscant continues its furious activity around the ecumenopolis…