
Clyngunn was a ZeHethbra individual of the male gender, whose body was largely covered in black fur from his head all the way down to his toes. A notable exception was a prominent white stripe that began at his nose, extended over his head, and continued down his back. He often chose to wear blue and black cloaks or tunics, which he would quickly remove should a fight break out.


Fame and boredom


He formerly held the title of champion in the Stratis Games on his home planet, where he established a record for defeating the highest number of sentient adversaries in a single round of Unarmed Combat. Using the credits he acquired from this achievement, Clyngunn purchased a star yacht and embarked on a tour of various resort planets. However, he soon grew tired of the sports-star lifestyle, finding the constant attention from fans tedious, and ultimately abandoned it.

The smuggler's life

Clyngunn journeyed to the Outer Rim and encountered Billey, an experienced smuggler who was considered a legend within his community. Through Billey, Clyngunn discovered a pursuit that provided the excitement and thrills he craved: the life of a smuggler. He exchanged his yacht for a freighter and proceeded to modify it for enhanced speed, concealed cargo, and, crucially, combat effectiveness. He engaged in the smuggling of spice and guns. On one occasion, he was detained by Imperial Customs officials but was subsequently released due to his prior fame as an athlete.

Clyngunn prospered largely because he preferred to operate independently. He generally disliked other smugglers, a sentiment reflected in his interview with the Imperial Security Bureau concerning BoShek. Nevertheless, events unfolding in the galaxy would present challenges for a solitary smuggler to maintain his livelihood.

New era, new alliances

Clyngunn meets with Talon Karrde.

The collapse of the Empire, followed by the ensuing chaos as former Imperial generals and warlords vied for control of the remaining territories, coupled with escalating penalties for smuggling, made it increasingly difficult for smugglers to sustain themselves. Clyngunn decided to join Talon Karrde's Smugglers' Alliance to oppose Grand Admiral Thrawn. He made sure to secure Karrde's personal assurance that he would not be obliged to alter his preference for working alone.

