The ZeHethbra were sentient, furry, anthropomorphic beings exhibiting rudimentary claws, tails, and fangs. An advanced olfactory sense allowed them to discern information about other ZeHethbra through the detection of their individual pheromones. While immune to its effects themselves, they could eject a natural biochemical mist to blind and incapacitate opponents during combat. Known for their volatile temperaments and emphasis on both candor and hierarchical standing, ZeHethbra were frequently employed within security divisions, armed forces, or related occupations, such as bounty hunting, owing to their inherent strength and aggression.
Originating from the Mid Rim planet of ZeHeth, the ZeHethbra became part of the Galactic Republic long before the ascent of the Galactic Empire. Across multiple worlds, the species established settlements, which led to the development of distinct ZeHethbra cultural factions. A war erupted with the Dugs as they attempted to colonize Malastare.

Reaching heights of 1.90 to 2.30 meters as adults, the ZeHethbra were a species of powerful, sturdy, and sentient humanoids. Their robust physique endowed them with considerable physical prowess. Their mouths contained vestigial fangs, and their paw-like hands featured small claws. While not particularly effective as weapons, these claws served to intimidate members of other species. Each hand consisted of three fingers in addition to an opposable thumb. The ZeHethbra had prominent, triangular ears, some of whom chose to pierce them and adorn them with earrings. A remnant of their evolutionary history, ZeHethbra possessed a short tail. By the time of the Galactic Republic, the species was fully bipedal and could run as quickly as a [Human](/article/human-legends].
As mammals, ZeHethbra were covered in short fur, the dominant color of which varied depending on their place of origin. Those from the southern pole of their planet, ZeHeth, had white-blue fur, while those from the northern hemisphere's mountains were typically brown or red. Mixed ancestry could result in spotted or mottled patterns. Coat colors ranged from [black](/article/black] to mottled brown. Regardless of the primary color, a characteristic white stripe always extended from the snout, over the head, and down the back, widening as it approached the tail. This stripe was narrower in females, with branched stripes appearing only in males. ZeHethbra also typically had three long whiskers on each side of their snout.
The snout provided ZeHethbra with a keen sense of smell. They were known for producing complex, natural pheromones that identified an individual's origins, a scent that only other ZeHethbra could decipher. Consequently, the unique pheromonal cocktail secreted by a ZeHethbra served as a distinct identifier.
When threatened or enraged, a ZeHethbra could generate a potent biochemical spray capable of disorienting, stinging, stunning, and blinding opponents within a three- to four-meter radius. This spray affected all organic beings except for other ZeHethbra. Weaker individuals experienced severe nausea that prevented retaliation, and some even temporarily collapsed.
With a life expectancy of eighty-five standard years, ZeHethbra entered adolescence at age ten. They reached biological maturity at sixteen and did not experience the effects of aging until around forty-five. Even then, they rarely retired before sixty-five.

Clans formed the basis of ZeHethbra social organization, with pheromones serving as a cornerstone of their cultural identity. An individual's pheromones unequivocally identified their clan and, consequently, their family lineage. ZeHethbra valued honesty and social standing, demonstrating considerable respect for those with leadership abilities.
On their homeworld, ZeHeth, ZeHethbra resided either in sprawling urban centers or in rural dens constructed amongst the roots of colossal trees. ZeHethbra strongly disliked intrusions upon their personal space, fiercely defending their living areas, families, clans, and territories from trespassers. Despite their fur-covered bodies, ZeHethbra wore clothing.
ZeHethbra were known to be temperamental, readily resorting to verbal or physical aggression against anyone causing them discomfort. Growling and spitting were typical responses to perceived adversaries. When the target of such ire was another ZeHethbra, they would engage in an aggressive snorting match. Occasionally, agitated ZeHethbra would launch violent attacks against perceived foes with little apparent provocation, even targeting physically superior opponents. These attacks sometimes involved the use of their natural spray. Although these outbursts rarely resulted in death, many young ZeHethbra met their match and fate in this manner.
The ZeHethbra possessed an official language, also known as Zehethbra, which most members of the species learned to speak and write. To untrained ears, it sounded like a series of gurgles, snarls, and grunts uttered in a fit of rage. Many ZeHethbra also learned to speak Galactic Basic Standard as a second language. ZeHethbra commonly had single-word names, such as Fyntarr, Rygulan, or Sarnizak. At least one individual traveling the galaxy appended the epithet "the ZeHethbra" to his single-word name.

The ZeHethbra evolved on the temperate planet ZeHeth, located in the Dustig sector of the Mid Rim. ZeHeth was situated between the nearby Pax system in the Expansion Region and the Malastare system, also in the Mid Rim. Over time, the ZeHethbra developed several adaptive traits that eventually lost their original functions but remained in vestigial form within the civilized species. These phenotypes included the tail, fangs, and claws, although the latter were still employed for intimidation.
First contact between the ZeHethbra and the Galactic Republic occurred sometime between 8000 BBY and 5500 BBY. From that point onward, the species began traversing the galaxy and establishing settlements on various planets, resulting in the formation of diverse racial, cultural, and ethnic groups shaped by differences in geography and history. Each group developed its own unique characteristics, encompassing body language, skin markings, pheromones, and linguistic accents. During the era of the Galactic Empire, the ZeHethbra recognized at least eighty such groups, but non-ZeHethbra found it difficult to distinguish more than six.
The creation of the super-hyperroute known as the Hydian Way in 3700 BBY placed ZeHeth along its path, facilitating easier travel throughout the galaxy for the ZeHethbra. Sometime before 1000 BBY, the ZeHethbra established several colonies in the Malastare system. The native Dugs, a species known for their anger and violence, resented their new neighbors, leading to open war between the two species. The conflict ended without a decisive victor, but the Galactic Republic eventually disarmed the Dugs, with the conflict with the ZeHethbra being a contributing factor to this action.
During the Clone Wars, the ZeHethbra homeworld remained within the territory of the Galactic Republic, as opposed to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Around 25 ABY, during the initial stages of the Yuuzhan Vong War, the population of ZeHeth numbered in the billions.

The ZeHethbra were a well-known, technologically advanced species throughout the galaxy. Their combination of strength, speed, and intelligence made them highly sought after as guards and soldiers. They served both governments and criminal organizations, and members of the species were commonly found in military roles. Some Force-sensitive ZeHethbra followed the path of the Jedi Order and became Jedi Knights.
The bounty hunter known as Raije traveled the galaxy in search of targets. Early in his career, he wielded a Wookiee bowcaster allegedly taken from the corpse of his first victim. Raije was sighted on Abregado-rae during the Galactic Civil War.
Clyngunn, later known as Clyngunn the ZeHethbra, achieved fame as an athlete by winning the Multi-Sentient Unarmed Combat Rounds at the Stratis Games on Hallrin IV. After retiring from sports, he became a smuggler working for the experienced smuggler Billey. Clyngunn eventually became a legendary smuggler in his own right, known for working alone as the sole crewmember of his starship, the Lady Sunfire. In 9 ABY, Grand Admiral Thrawn contacted him to ensure his continued neutrality, supporting neither the Empire nor the New Republic. Later, Talon Karrde sought Clyngunn's support, along with other prominent smugglers, for the New Republic. Clyngunn ultimately joined Karrde's Smugglers' Alliance, remaining an active member ten years later and assisting during the Caamas Document Crisis.

The ZeHethbra were first introduced in Timothy Zahn's 1993 novel The Last Command, primarily through the character of Clyngunn. Their background was expanded upon in the 1994 role-playing book The Last Command Sourcebook, written by Eric S. Trautmann, edited by Bill Smith, and adapted for West End Games's Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The information about Clyngunn and the ZeHethbra from that book was repeated verbatim in The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook (1996) and again, with minor variations ("three-meter" instead of "three meter" and "venom spray" instead of "spray"), in Alien Encounters (1998). While the first two books included a section about Clyngunn, Alien Encounters did not.
These role-playing books initially specified that adult ZeHethbra could reach heights between 1.60 and 1.80 meters, describing them as "tall." However, the later book, Ultimate Alien Anthology (2003), stated that the typical height for an adult ZeHethbra was 190 to 230 centimeters, which aligns better with Clyngunn's height as depicted in the comic adaptation of The Last Command.
The sources detailing the species, including The Last Command Sourcebook, The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook, Alien Encounters, and Ultimate Alien Anthology, consistently mention the white streak in the ZeHethbra's fur. Oddly, the ZeHethbra illustration in Ultimate Alien Anthology lacks any visible white fur, for reasons that remain unexplained. The article The Smuggler's Alliance published in Star Wars Gamer #3 (2001) identifies Clyngunn as a ZeHethbra but, due to a typographical error, lists his spray as a "Defel" special ability.