Collapsing New Empires

"Collapsing New Empires," a comic book story, originally appeared in Star Wars Tales 19. The blog series titled The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire retroactively established the comic's events as canon, revealing the true identity of Perek as Cronal.

Plot summary

The story begins with Luke Skywalker and Han Solo piloting the Millennium Falcon and engaging TIE Interceptors in combat sometime after the Battle of Endor. Also aboard the Falcon are Leia Organa, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2. The TIE Interceptors are providing protection for a collection of Sand Crawlers adrift in space. Subsequently, a TIE Advanced x1 moves toward a planet, with the Falcon pursuing it closely. They follow the TIE Advanced into a Sand Crawler. Upon entering the factory, they observe remnants of outdated Imperial weaponry and machinery, including a damaged AT-ST. It is at this point that they encounter Perek, who identifies himself as an artist. He tells them that he is repurposing the weapons and machines into art pieces.

Simultaneously, on the Falcon, C-3PO and R2-D2 are ambushed by robotic insects. These insects transform the droids into massive war machines. At the factory, Han, Luke, and Leia observe the same insects. Luke identifies them as being similar to the insects attracted to the scent of a Jawa. Luke then detects the presence of Jawas nearby. He locates them and eliminates them with his lightsaber. Han and Leia are taken aback by this action, but they soon realize that the Jawas are robots. Chewbacca then arrives, being pursued by the transformed C-3PO and R2-D2. The droids capture Chewie, Leia, and Han and carry them deeper into the factory. Luke discovers a hidden passage within the factory and enters it. Perek then reveals that he is an android and attacks Luke. Perek begins to explain how he utilizes Jawas and their "face bugs" to propagate the infection. Han then detonates a spark grenade within the main energy source, destroying it. This ultimately infects Luke's hand, leading him to sever it with his lightsaber, killing Perek. Injured, the group departs in the Falcon.

