
Torryns tool Toryn Farr is pictured utilizing a tool to interface with the com-scan display map. A computer system known as a com-scan, also referred to as comm/scan, served as a central hub for managing and integrating the numerous complex communication and sensor systems. These systems ranged from electro-photo receptors and full-spectrum transceivers to dedicated energy receptors and subspace transceivers. Such systems were commonly found on large capital ships like Imperial Star Destroyers (housed within the sensor globes of the conning tower) and Mon Calamari Star Cruisers.


Com-scans were made up of multiple rows of computer consoles. These consoles were enhanced with both flatscreen monitors and holoprojectors that displayed information like fleet movements and simulated battles. Highly trained communications and sensor officers staffed these units to interpret the data, aided by droids programmed with intricate data-sorting algorithms. Their job was to determine which data was crucial enough to be relayed to the command staff.

Sensor arrays, such as those aboard capital ships, provided information that was processed and analyzed by com-scan computers. Starships possessed a diverse array of sensors, which included long-range electro photo receptors, full-spectrum transcievers, dedicated energy receptors, and broadband transceivers. All of this data was compiled by the com-scan, enabling the operator to potentially identify starships or concealed bases. If readings matched pre-set warning criteria, it would trigger backup sensor banks for a more in-depth investigation. These criteria included detecting power fluctuations that indicated the presence of a ship, or energy spikes coming from a power generator hidden by stealth technology.


During the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance utilized a com-scan computer to provide remote assistance to Rebel starfighters when their sensors were being jammed by the DS-1 Orbital Battle Station. It was capable of identifying enemy forces during the conflict.

Upon entering the Hoth system, the Executor employed com-scan systems to confirm the location of Echo Base on the system's sixth planet by spotting an energy shield. General Rieekan and his command team used a MicroThrust Processors OrC-19 com-scan integrator console during the Battle of Hoth to observe Imperial forces and coordinate the ground defense and evacuation operations.

Smaller com-scan computers, such as the CO-0012, could also be found on military command vehicles, like the LAVr QH-7 Chariot.

Grand Admiral Thrawn and the resurrected Emperor both made use of com-scan computer systems during their respective campaigns aimed at overthrowing the New Republic.

