Cometary Water Reclamation Project

The Cometary Water Reclamation Project represents an initiative undertaken by the Dark Jedi Garth Ezzar during the era of the Clone Wars. Its purpose was to undermine the reputation of the Jedi affiliated with the Almas Academy.


Darth Sidious conceived the plan to discredit the Jedi order at the Almas Academy, dispatching the Dark Jedi Garth Ezzar to set it in motion. Ezzar adopted the guise of Jedi Master Lanius Qel-Bertuk, the Academy's head, and subsequently engaged with the Wookiee leaders of the Comet Broom Service, a corporation responsible for tracking and eliminating hazardous comets within the Cularin system. Ezzar contracted them to commence the Project, falsely claiming its objective was to place a substantial comet into orbit around the planet Almas, thereby augmenting the planet's water supply and facilitating further terraforming efforts.

Roughly two weeks passed as the project neared completion, with the comet poised for its trajectory toward Almas. However, Ezzar journeyed to Artom Station, the Comet Broom Service's operational hub. Through manipulation of the Wookiees' minds, he directed a slicer to alter the project's target coordinates, redirecting the comet toward the Almas Sith fortress. Subsequently, he instructed the slicer to embed details of the project within the computer system, ensuring their discoverability by Cularin SpaceNav. Ezzar's intention was to instigate an inquiry that would expose the project and portray Master Qel-Bertuk as a Sith-obsessed individual posing a threat to Almas, thus amplifying anti-Jedi sentiments throughout the Cularin system.

As the Heroes of Cularin initiated their investigation into the project, Ezzar resorted to murdering the Wookiees, aiming to prevent the heroes from uncovering the truth. Shortly thereafter, the heroes successfully intervened, averting the comet's collision with Almas.

Behind the scenes

Within the narrative of At Your Service, the identities of the Dark Jedi and his master responsible for the project remain concealed. However, the adventure Destruction later revealed them to be Garth Ezzar and Palpatine.

