
The Companion2000 was a typical datapad that weighed under a kilogram and had a price tag of around one hundred credits. It was a product of MicroData Technologies, a company known for producing diverse datapad models.


A standard datapad made by MicroData Technologies was the Companion2000. This particular datapad served numerous purposes, such as writing and organizing data, storing and retrieving information, and displaying the content of recording rod crystals. The device, which weighed less than a kilogram, was sold for one hundred credits.

Common features found in most datapad models were also present in the Companion2000. It included audio inputs, headphone jacks, and power cells that could operate for up to three months before needing to be recharged. The device was equipped with a large, color, touch-sensitive display screen, and data could be input either through the integrated keypad or with a stylus.

The Companion2000 was equipped with numerous dataports and interfaces, which allowed it to connect to external systems, including other datapads, droids, computers, weapons, and vehicles. Users also had the option to connect readout glasses that featured transparent lenses; data would then be displayed on these lenses, allowing users to perform other tasks while simultaneously reviewing information. The Companion2000 also possessed the capability to interface with recording rods and holoprojectors, and it had a built-in projector to display hologram images up to twenty centimeters in size.

For transferring data to and from a variety of external storage media, such as datacards, data disks, and microdots, the Companion2000 featured an input slot. The device's internal storage capacity was five million data screen units. The included software had the ability to recognize numerous computer formats, and a specialized program called the Galactic Universal Translator could develop programs that enabled the datapad to interface with unfamiliar computer systems. The Companion2000 could be customized with specialized programs to suit the user's professional needs.

